Fancy Food Show Trends Winter 2016

This year at the Winter Fancy Food Show I was honored to contribute to the Specialty Food Association trendspotting report . It�s a group effort and each person on the panel saw something slightly different. In addition to that collaborative report, here is what made impressed me: Pulse pastas The United Nations has declared 2016 to be the International Year of Pulses and the American Pulse Association, USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council and Pulse Canada are promoting the � Pulse Pledge� . While non-wheat pasta has been around for a while, I was amazed at all the pulse pastas and actually how good it tasted. In particular there were three products that stood out. They each had very good texture, much better than the rice and quinoa pastas I�ve tried in the past. The two dried pastas I liked best were the organic edamame spaghetti from Explore Cuisine , and the chickpea pasta from Modern Table, which is also available in meal kits. The best fresh pasta I had came from RP'...