Pomora Adopt An Olive Tree, Carnivore Club + Giveaway!

Mother's Day and Father's Day are coming up and if your parents are anything like mine, they don�t need more �stuff.� I�m not saying you should skip giving them presents, but you might want to consider focusing on something consumable. Here are two really special gift options, and they have the added bonus of being recurring. Pomora Adopt An Olive Tree I have seen olives harvested and pressed in Italy, Spain and in California. I�ve also gotten to enjoy delicious high quality extra virgin olive oils, fresh from the mill, and there is nothing like it. While there is better and better quality olive oil in the supermarket these days, Pomora gives you an opportunity to connect on a deeper level, to learn more about a specific olive farmer and olive oil production and to receive a set of three 250 ml tins of oil each quarter (the tins protect the oils from light and heat, to keep the oil as fresh as possible). I got a chance to try the olio nouvo from both Southern Italian farmers...